Global ID Registry

SYDNEY  AUSTRALIA     (ABN 25 126 210 320)    Ph:+61 2 9016 4695 

"Judge a person's importance not by how much they spend but by how much and how many they save."

Welcome to NuEra-ID's Global ID Registry

NuEra-ID's novel system of Unique Identification (NU-ERA): 

  1. Effectively combats "Retail Leakage" (which costs the world in excess of US$100 billion annually) (See Centre for Retail Research) and assists in the prosecution of wrongdoers.
  2. Significantly reduces the cost of inventory management and the overall costs of running your business.
  3. Enables unique identification of all items of interest in your organisation (as cheap if not cheaper than generic marking of goods with conventional barcode labels).
  4. Requires around 60% less effort than other methods of individual identification using barcodes because it is easy to use and apply.
  5. Allows accurate detection and measurement of pilfering as well as control of warranty returns and shelf-life matters.
  6. Protects against unfounded liability claims.
  7. Is inexpensive and affordable by small and big businesses alike.
  8. can Can utilise existing barcode technologies like DataMatrix (see opposite).

Reducing Inventory Costs

From the Centre for Retail Research
Blackburn House, Brake Lane, Newark, Notts, NG22 9HQ
Telephone: +44 (0)1623 867 559

Reducing Inventory Costs

NU-ERA enables Inventory Cost Reduction

Purpose of the Global ID Registry.

The Global ID Registry(GIDR) provides, at a very modest cost, encrypted unique numbers for the purpose of uniquely identifying anything that might be of interest to you or your organisation.  This unique number can then be associated by you with a record in a database which, in turn, means it is possible to store a virtually limitless amount of information about any item or thing.  The reason for encrypting the numbers is to provide a means by which it is possible to positively ascertain the numbers you are dealing with were actually issued by the GIDR.  By being able to decrypt these numbers, it is possible to validate them and thereby guarantee they were issued by the GIDR.  Because the numbers issued from the GIDR are unique, it means that many vendors can work in the same space without fear their numbers will be used by others and lead to confusion in identification of items.

Purchase Numbers?  If you want to purchase 128bit or 256bit numbers from GIDR, click here now.

Can be used with any "Automatic ID Technology" capable of representing 128 bits of data. A NuEra-ID number can be represented by a conventional two dimensional barcode, such as DataMatrix, PDF417 or QR Code, or by most RFID transponders or, for that matter, any other form of automatic ID technology that supports 128 bits or greater of stored data. 

60% less Effort than conventional hierarchical systems of identification such as GS1. Using this system of marking and identification involves around 60% less labour than using other unique identification systems based on barcodes and a hierarchical structure of number allocation, such as Global System One (GS1).

Conventional DataMatrix with Squares

DataMatrix (Squares)

Conventional DataMatrix with Dots

DataMatrix (Dots)

Copyright © Global ID Registry 2005-2011